Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Aphorisms & Observations

Dear Senator Dirksen (RIP): Trillion is the new billion. (1/21/09: I thought this was original but googled to be sure: it appeared in the WSJ which I always read, so it must have been subliminal; anyway, it should be another order of magnitude greater.)

"Damnation!" No, just a couple of states will do. (~1970)

Television is to news as bumperstickers are to philosophy.

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." But a jack-ass will not be led; he'd sooner perish from thirst. (~1998)

"Mother Nature favors the hidden flaw" (one of Murphy's Laws) but human nature seeks it out. (~2005)

Of the 'Three C's of Credit' we've given-up 'character' for 'correlation' -- and that matters! (regarding CDOs, 2005)

Constant-proportion debt obligations (CPDO) are leveraged credit gamma. (2005)

My "safe harbor" statement: When the wind & water rise high enough, no harbor is safe. (2003)

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