Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Beltway's Governor Le Petomane rides again

Debt Swap Rules Risk Being ‘Rushed and Reactionary,’ A&O Says
2009-03-31 By Abigail Moses March 31 (Bloomberg)
"We've got to protect our phony-baloney jobs, gentlemen! We must do something about this, immediately, immediately, immediately!"
"Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!"
"I didn't get a "Harrumph!" out of that guy!"
"You watch your ass!"
Looks like Allen & Overy doesn't want to give a "Harrumph!" Instead, they're saying "Just give me 24 hours to come up with a brilliant idea to save our town. Just 24 hours. That's all I ask."
Count me among the dissenters to the federales' 'Shoot, Ready, Aim (we're the govt, we don't need to aim), Shoot again, Shoot the innocent so the guilty won't look bad, Shoot 'em all one more time' approach to crisis mgmt. Blazing Saddles, indeed.

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